Can I reuse a promo code on a cancelled transfer?
If your transfer was cancelled or declined, you can reuse the promo code as long as it is still valid.
If your transfer was cancelled or declined, you can reuse the promo code as long as it is still valid.<\/p>","created_at":"2025-01-29T14:31:06Z"}}},"login":{}};window.initialI18nStore=JSON.parse('{"tr":{"translations":{"ps.404.error.description":"Lütfen tekrar deneyin veya hata tekrarlanırsa Müşteri Destek ile iletişime geçin.","ps.404.header.text":"Üzgünüz, sayfa bulunamadı","ps.500.title":"Üzgünüm, bir şeyler ters gitti","":"Yardım ve Kullanıcı Destek"}},"en":{"translations":{"site.error.general":"Error, please try again later","ps.500.title":"Sorry, something went wrong","site.title":"Send money online globally for only £1, $2 or €1.5 | Paysend Global Transfers","":"Help and User Support","ps.404.error.description":"Please try again, or contact User Support, if the error keeps occurring.","ps.404.header.text":"Sorry, page not found","":"Chat"}}}');window.initialLanguage='tr';
If your transfer was cancelled or declined, you can reuse the promo code as long as it is still valid.