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At Paysend, every transfer tells a story - a story of love, support and connection that crosses borders and brings people closer together. Today, we’re thrilled to share an extraordinary milestone with you: 10 million customers worldwide.<\/p>
This achievement isn’t just about numbers; it’s about the trust and loyalty you’ve shown us over the past 7 years. Together, we’ve created 10 million stories that transcend borders, helping families, friends and communities stay connected.<\/p>
A global journey<\/h2>
Since our launch in 2017, Paysend has grown from a visionary startup to a trusted name in cross-border money transfers. Our service now connects people across 190 countries, offering fast, secure and affordable transfers through our innovative app. With over 15 million downloads and an 85% ‘excellent’ rating on Trustpilot, we’re proud to be a part of your journey.<\/p>
From sending love to family members to supporting friends in need, every transfer matters. That’s why we’ve worked hard to ensure low, fixed fees, competitive exchange rates and top-tier security for all our users.<\/p>
Celebrating with you: Our gift to mark 10 million<\/h2>
To celebrate this milestone, we want to say thank you with a special gift: 2 fee-free transfers! Whether you’re sending money to loved ones or helping someone in need, this is our way of making your experience even better.<\/p>
Here’s how to claim your fee-free transfers:<\/p>
Enter promo code*<\/i> 10MFAMILY<\/strong> at checkout on your next two transfers.<\/li>
No minimum sending amount required.<\/li>
Available for all transfers to over 170 countries.<\/li><\/ul>
Barcha maqolalarOpening up international markets for UK SMEs with Currencycloud
Opening up international markets for UK SMEs with Currencycloud
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Press release
When conducting business overseas, companies of all sizes can be hampered by slow payment times, high costs and limited transfer options. However, these barriers are particularly cumbersome for SMEs, which have fewer resources in terms of workforce and cash to spare. To thrive, young companies need space to focus on growth and access to international markets rather than a lengthy financial administration. So why, in today’s digital and globalised landscape, do SMEs still face inefficient processes when doing business internationally?
In our recent survey of 255 UK SMEs, 4 out of 10 respondents highlighted the significant challenges posed by currency exchange rate fluctuations and fees associated with making international money transfers. Additionally, 3 in 10 said barriers to doing business overseas existed due to settlement times, payments accepted from a limited number of countries and the slow administrative process to start accepting international payments.
Paysend believes it’s time to remove the complexities and difficulties of making international payments for the SME market.
Our partnership with Currencycloud
At Paysend, we want SMEs to have access to a more efficient and transparent method of completing cross-border transactions.
That’s why, in August 2022, we announced our partnership with Currencycloud, a leader in simplifying business in a multi-currency world, to open up global business for UK SMEs, enabling them to reach more customers.
With Currencycloud, we have expanded cross-border payment possibilities for our Paysend Business customers, with access to multi-currency accounts and international payment functionality through SWIFT.
UK SMEs will experience 15 additional local payment rails, gaining the option to move money without hassle to over 180 countries. Access to 15 local rails allows users to send funds to approximately 30 countries using SEPA, ACH, FP and more, reducing administration and cost burdens. Additionally, entrepreneurs can leverage Currencycloud’s APIs to receive funds via SWIFT with a more extensive global coverage.
By adding multi-currency and international payment capabilities, Paysend Business has evolved banking capabilities in the UK to allow clients to hold and convert funds in a broad range of currencies. Users can now send and receive transfers internationally via SWIFT and local payment rails quickly and easily, with FX transfers converted from one currency to another through Currencycloud.
One-stop solution to cater to all international payments needs
By employing our single, centralised platform, small business owners can grow and scale their companies quickly, smartly and securely. Users benefit from cost-effective acquisition and settlement payment solutions, including next-day settlement, multi-currency accounts, payouts to cards and instant payments. Through our platform, SMEs can accept payments online from all major debit and credit cards (Visa and Mastercard) in over 38 currencies globally, including payment gateways Apple Pay and Google Pay, and in over 190 countries at any time.
Our priority is to bring these payment capabilities together under one roof, enabling SMEs to become more flexible, diversify their supply chain and be more cost-efficient in their operations. SMEs no longer need to navigate a fragmented market of different financial providers to meet their international payment needs. Instead, we’re enabling them to focus on growth, serving their customers and developing their offerings.
At Paysend, we are committed to making life easier for business owners. Thanks to our partnership with Currencycloud, UK SMEs are better equipped to scale quickly and make global expansion a reality. Importantly, we also provide a simple, low-cost fee structure and personal account manager to support any enquiries in real time.
Set up your Paysend Business account and gain access to international markets today by clicking here.