Support loved ones affected by natural disasters through digital money transfers

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Support loved ones affected by natural disasters through digital money transfers

Despite the summer months coming to a close in the Northern hemisphere, the heat and dryness of this season continues. With it comes the threat of natural disasters, such as tsunamis, hurricanes, fires and more, affecting countries around the world.

As we hear about record breaking heat waves in the US and Canada and tropical storms and hurricanes impacting countries along the coast, you may want to prepare in case you or your loved ones are impacted by a natural disaster.

Continue reading for tips on how to stay safe and help loved ones that may be affected this season.

What to have on hand to stay prepared for a natural disaster:

If you are at risk of personally experiencing a natural disaster, you may want to have the following items at the ready in case of an emergency:

  • First-aid kit to attend to potential physical injury
  • Gas - whether for your car in the case of evacuation or for a generator in case of power outages
  • Important documents stored in a waterproof container in the event of flooding
  • Non-perishable food items that can be stored and eaten with minimal cooling or heat
  • Charged electronic devices and flashlights, as well as backup batteries, in the case of power outages
  • Battery-powered radio to stay up to date on disaster guidance if signal or Internet is not readily available on your electronic devices
  • Clean or filtered water in case local water supply is impacted in any way

How digital money transfers help support loved ones affected by a natural disaster, even from afar:

If you have friends and family living in another country at risk or that have experienced a natural disaster, you can still lend a hand even at a distance. For instance, after a natural disaster occurs, it is not always possible to fly into an affected city or country to offer physical support to those in need, but with digital money transfers, you can send loved ones funds to help rebuild, purchase food or supplies, and more.

At Paysend, we want to make it simple and fast for you to support your loved ones going through hard times. That’s why we’ve made it possible for you to transfer money in the palm of your hand through a smartphone or laptop. Our transfers cost just $2 from the US and often arrive to your recipient in close to real-time.

Have a friend or family member in need? Offer financial support by downloading the Paysend app* from the App Store or Google Play or visit our website to get started.

Download Paysend App

*Standard data rates from your wireless service provider may apply.

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