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We all dream of having lots of money so that we can do what we want, whenever we want.<\/p>
Holiday in the Mediterranean? Sure.<\/p>
New car? Yes please.<\/p>
The latest pair of trainers? No sweat.<\/p>
Although it may not seem like it, there are some problems with having large amounts of money - especially if you want to send it abroad<\/span>.<\/p>
This is because sending a large amount of money abroad with your bank will expose you to high fees<\/span>, which are often a percentage of the amount you’re trying to send.<\/p>
For example, if you’re sending £2000 abroad to a friend or family member, you might expect to pay 7% of the amount as a bank fee. We can all agree that we’d rather not pay £140 as a transfer fee for this transfer!<\/p>
Plus, when you transfer large amounts of money with your bank, you need to be aware of poor exchange rates<\/span>. The exchange rate they offer might be up to 5% off what the real rate is. And you can guess where those hidden charges go - right into the bank’s pocket!<\/p>
How can I transfer a large amount of money with low fees?<\/p>
The safest way to steer clear of high fees when you’re sending a large amount of money abroad is by choosing a specialist money transfer provider<\/span> that has low, flat fees<\/span> for its international transactions.<\/p>
Believe it or not, there are some very handy money transfer companies that charge a flat fee, no matter how you want to send abroad. Paysend<\/span> <\/strong>is one of these money transfer companies.<\/p>
With Paysend, it doesn’t matter how much you send - the transfer fee will always be the same. Paysend’s transfer fees are always locked at £1, $2 or €1.5<\/span>, depending on where you’re sending money from.<\/p>
This means that if you want to send £1000, £2000 or £3000 from the UK to over 100 countries worldwide, it’ll cost you only… you guessed it - £1 in transfer fees!!!!<\/span> It really is that cheap!<\/p>
Plus, Paysend offers excellent, competitive exchange rates, so you won’t be losing out with hidden fees.<\/p>
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now, or download the Paysend app to start sending large amounts of money really cheaply!<\/p>
To get started, head to the App Store or Google Play and download the Paysend Global Transfers app!<\/p>