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How to send money to someone with a debit card
How to send money to someone with a debit card

At a base level, debit cards allow you to spend the money that's available in your account whilst staying in control of your spending because the balance on your debit card is updated instantly.

Today, offline methods of transferring money to someone with a debit card include visiting a bank, post office or remittance store and providing bank details to complete payments. Be aware that these options may charge high fees, with the money arriving within a few days. 


Money Transfer Guides
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Digital Money
Jak převést peníze z předplacené karty

Předplacené karty jsou skvělým způsobem, jak kontrolovat své výdaje, protože na nich máte určenou částku, která se má použít. Tento limit nemůžete překročit, takže jsou skvělým způsobem, jak zabránit tomu, abyste příliš utráceli za nákupy!

Jsou také opravdu užitečné, pokud jste v zahraničí a nechcete používat svou běžnou bankovní kartu kvůli mezinárodním poplatkům.

Money Transfer Guides
Personal Finance Tips
How to transfer money to someone’s bank account
How to transfer money to someone’s bank account

If you’re looking for a fast and cost-effective way to transfer money from your bank account to another, then you are in luck!

Whether you’re sending money as a gift, moving funds to support family overseas, paying bills or making scheduled payments, Paysend has you covered.  

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Personal Finance Tips
Paysend store to provide an end-to-end ecommerce solution for UK businesses
Paysend store to provide an end-to-end ecommerce solution for UK businesses

Paysend, the UK-based fintech with over 7 million customers, today announces the launch of Paysend Store for UK merchants. The free, no-code solution enables entrepreneurs in the UK to set up an online store and immediately start selling their products with no technology development or third-party IT integration required.

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