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New Paysend Features
Digital Money
Streamlining traditional B2B payments and card transfers
Streamlining International B2B Payments and Card Transfers

In the current landscape of the global economy, businesses of all sizes are engaging in international trade, leading to an increased demand for efficient and secure cross-border payment solutions. International Business-to-Business (B2B) payments and card transfers play a crucial role in facilitating smooth transactions between businesses across different countries. In this article, we will explore the challenges faced by businesses in international transactions, the importance of seamless B2B payments, and the advancements in card transfers that are revolutionizing the way businesses conduct their financial operations worldwide.

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Personal Finance Tips
Digital Money
How to pay overseas suppliers for SMEs
A guide on how to pay overseas suppliers for SMEs

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), venturing into the global marketplace can be both exciting and daunting. One of the key challenges faced by SMEs engaged in international trade is figuring out the most efficient and secure way to pay overseas suppliers. In this blog post, we'll explore some essential strategies and tips to help SMEs navigate the complexities of international payments and establish successful relationships with their overseas partners.

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Money Transfer Guides
Personal Finance Tips
Sending money internationally
Sending money internationally to a bank account : SWIFT or SEPA?

In contemporary times, many individuals perceive a shrinking world, fostering a closer connection to a global society. Whether you’re celebrating weddings abroad, embarking on international business or study adventures, or investing in holiday properties in far-off lands, our lives often extend across borders.

Sending money internationally is a part of our life. However, with hidden transfer costs, fluctuating exchange rates and varying delivery time, you might ask yourself ‘Did I send money the best way for my needs?’

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Money Transfer Guides
Personal Finance Tips