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Millions of people use Paysend to send, receive and request money at any time and with anyone worldwide.
With features such as low fixed fees on money transfers, competitive exchange rates, and the ability to receive instant international payments, Paysend is changing how communities globally manage their money internationally.

Paysend, the UK-based fintech with over 7 million customers, today announces the launch of Instant Account Payments, that give consumers and businesses the ability to send instant cross-border payments of up to $100,000 to accounts for just $1 per payment. Users can quickly connect to Paysend’s global payments network and instantly and cost-effectively send funds to 25 countries and currencies seven days per week, 365 days per year.

At a base level, debit cards allow you to spend the money that's available in your account whilst staying in control of your spending because the balance on your debit card is updated instantly.
Today, offline methods of transferring money to someone with a debit card include visiting a bank, post office or remittance store and providing bank details to complete payments. Be aware that these options may charge high fees, with the money arriving within a few days.

Hoy día, pagar con tarjeta de crédito o débito es mucho más eficiente y está más extendido que pagar en efectivo por adelantado. Los métodos de pago electrónico hacen que comprar en tienda o en Internet sea muy fácil.
Con tu tarjeta de crédito puedes transferir dinero a otra cuenta bancaria para ayudar a amigos y familiares y que puedan acceder al dinero que necesitan de manera rápida y fácil. Una mejor gestión del dinero nos da más libertad y flexibilidad a la hora de manejar nuestras finanzas.