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Jak przelać pieniądze z karty przedpłaconej

Karty przedpłacone to świetny sposób na kontrolowanie wydatków. 

Ustalenie dziennych, tygodniowych lub miesięcznych limitów wydatków lub przelanie na kartę określonej kwoty pieniędzy i ścisłe przestrzeganie wyznaczonych ograniczeń może pozwolić nam lepiej zarządzać naszymi finansami i śledzić nadmierne wydatki, dzięki czemu ograniczymy koszty 

Money Transfer Guides
Personal Finance Tips
How to transfer money to someone’s bank account
How to transfer money to someone’s bank account

If you’re looking for a fast and cost-effective way to transfer money from your bank account to another, then you are in luck!

Whether you’re sending money as a gift, moving funds to support family overseas, paying bills or making scheduled payments, Paysend has you covered.  

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Personal Finance Tips
Paysend store to provide an end-to-end ecommerce solution for UK businesses
Paysend store to provide an end-to-end ecommerce solution for UK businesses

Paysend, the UK-based fintech with over 7 million customers, today announces the launch of Paysend Store for UK merchants. The free, no-code solution enables entrepreneurs in the UK to set up an online store and immediately start selling their products with no technology development or third-party IT integration required.

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Paysend introduces 50 new receiving countries to its global payments network
Paysend introduces 50 new receiving countries to its global payments network

Paysend, the UK-based fintech with over 7 million customers, today announces that 50 new receiving countries have been introduced to its global payments network since the start of 2022. These additional payments corridors mean that Paysend customers can now send money to over 170 countries worldwide.

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