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Through the partnership, which is powered by MFS Africa, Paysend will enable users to send money across borders via Africell to The Gambia and Sierra Leone, with the funds reaching Afrimoney mobile wallets. With features like low fixed fees on money transfers, competitive exchange rates and the ability to receive instant international payments, Paysend is transforming how communities in West Africa manage money globally.

Credit Builder lets people in the UK with little or no credit history automatically improve their credit score by simply using their Paysend card for their daily spending when linked to their Paysend Credit Builder account in the Paysend app. The major UK credit reference agencies (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) are updated on all spending and payments from the Credit Builder account, while customers have the confidence that they can never spend or send more than they have in their Credit Builder account.

Over the past few years, digital remittances served as a lifeline to stay financially connected with loved ones living abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, despite moving into an era where people are more likely to travel and get together with friends and family, remittances are still expected to rise.
Digital transfer options are continuing to grow in popularity as they offer a convenient way to send money to loved ones living internationally. In fact, the remittance market is expected to grow nearly 5% this year.

According to central bank data, Pix’s payments volume is already equivalent to 80% of debit and credit card transactions in Brazil and some 30,000 Pix transactions are carried out every minute. Through its partnership with Banco Rendimento and working with Pix, Paysend is enabling users to make transfers through Pix’s national payment system to bank accounts in Brazil. The service is available to all Paysend sending countries.