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Here at Paysend we want to make it as simple as possible for you to add payment information and send money abroad.
Because let’s face it, nobody likes spending ages entering lots of long card numbers, and entering usernames and passwords when you’re directed to your banking app. We can all agree we’ve got much more interesting things to be getting on with.

There are around 4 million Japanese people who live and work around the world away from Japan, and you can find the influence of Japanese culture in nearly every country around the world.
If you’re a Japanese expat, you probably want to find the cheapest way to send money to Japan, so that your transfers don’t suffer from high fees, poor commission or hidden fees.

您还未决定是否使用 Paysend 国际汇款,需要我们的帮助? 那就请继续读吧! 我们收集了一些最常见的国际汇款问题,帮助您确定我们的汇款服务是否适合您……
使用 Paysend 汇款要多少手续费?

People around the world are continuing to adjust to a new normal this year and recoup from hardships experienced in 2020. As we move forward and look to a more prosperous future, we all need to join forces as a community and lend support to those around us.
If you’re an immigrant, expat or traveler currently residing in the US, you can still lend a hand to friends and family in your home country through digital money transfers. When doing your part to support loved ones abroad, it’s important to consider your options so that your recipient is able to get the most out of your money transfers.