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Setting up a business bank account is an important step for start-up founders, sole traders and other small businesses who have decided to set up on their own.<\/p>
Business bank accounts are an important way of bringing all of your business finances together in a single, visible place, meanwhile streamlining your time and efforts and leaving you with more time for doing what you do best. And whether that’s running the world’s next biggest start-up or simply fixing someone’s dodgy pipes, setting up a simple and clear business bank account will change your business for the better.<\/p>
Here are 3 essential tips when you decide to set up a business bank account:<\/p>
Before choosing which banking provider is best for you, you need to conduct a full assessment of your business, and work out which of your activities can be improved and streamlined by a banking provider. Then, you can figure out exactly what you need from your business banking account when you start looking.<\/p>
There are a huge number of business banking options available to you, offering varying degrees of service. You need to find one that integrates seamlessly into your business activities, offering the right level of flexibility, simplicity and expertise. For example, if you regularly make international payments, you should find a business banking company that specialises in low-cost international money transfers.<\/p>
Setting up your business bank account should be a fast, simple and painless process, and you should be ready to go in no time. To ensure a speedy on-boarding process, make sure you have all the right documentation at hand.<\/p>
Here’s a quick overview of the information you might need:<\/p>
With so many banking options available to your small business, there are some basic standards which you should expect from your banking provider. These include:<\/p>
Paysend Business<\/span> <\/strong>is a brand-new business banking platform specially designed for small businesses and sole traders who want flexible, simple and secure bank accounts to help them run their businesses. Starting a business account with Paysend takes minutes, and removes the slow and stressful process of setting up with a traditional and out-dated bank.<\/p> Paysend’s mission is to build a business world without borders. We’ve developed a future-proof mobile banking solution that helps ambitious and innovative businesses to take on the world. Join Paysend Business<\/u><\/a> <\/strong>today and turn your brand from local to global.<\/p> <\/p> Download Paysend App<\/a><\/p>","description2":"","rank":null,"slug":"article-how-to-set-up-a-business-bank-account","preview_text":" Setting up a business bank account is an important step for start-up founders, sole traders and other small businesses who have decided to set up on their own.<\/p> Business bank accounts are an important way of bringing all of your business finances together in a single, visible place, meanwhile streamlining your time and efforts and leaving you with more time for doing what you do best. And whether that’s running the world’s next biggest start-up or simply fixing someone’s dodgy pipes, setting up a simple and clear business bank account will change your business for the better.<\/p>","createdAt":"2023-05-24T12:05:03.337Z","updatedAt":"2023-11-13T12:08:41.542Z","publishedAt":"2023-05-24T12:05:07.654Z","locale":"en","img":{"id":2295,"name":"how-to-set-up-a-business-bank-account-1200.jpg","alternativeText":"How to set up a business bank account","caption":null,"width":1200,"height":628,"formats":{"large":{"ext":".jpg","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/large_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972.jpg","hash":"large_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972","mime":"image\/jpeg","name":"large_how-to-set-up-a-business-bank-account-1200.jpg","path":null,"size":61,"width":1000,"height":523},"small":{"ext":".jpg","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/small_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972.jpg","hash":"small_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972","mime":"image\/jpeg","name":"small_how-to-set-up-a-business-bank-account-1200.jpg","path":null,"size":21.86,"width":500,"height":262},"medium":{"ext":".jpg","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/medium_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972.jpg","hash":"medium_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972","mime":"image\/jpeg","name":"medium_how-to-set-up-a-business-bank-account-1200.jpg","path":null,"size":40.18,"width":750,"height":393},"thumbnail":{"ext":".jpg","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/thumbnail_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972.jpg","hash":"thumbnail_how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972","mime":"image\/jpeg","name":"thumbnail_how-to-set-up-a-business-bank-account-1200.jpg","path":null,"size":7.86,"width":245,"height":128}},"hash":"how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972","ext":".jpg","mime":"image\/jpeg","size":80.13,"url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/how_to_set_up_a_business_bank_account_1200_3ffa729972.jpg","previewUrl":null,"provider":"strapi-provider-upload-aws-s3-plus-cdn","provider_metadata":null,"createdAt":"2023-05-24T12:04:42.664Z","updatedAt":"2023-05-26T12:34:47.965Z","folderPath":"\/41"},"tiles_section":[],"quote_section":[],"categories":[{"id":1,"title":"All articles","value":"all-articles","createdAt":"2023-05-16T10:53:37.864Z","updatedAt":"2023-05-16T10:53:39.907Z","publishedAt":"2023-05-16T10:53:39.902Z"},{"id":5,"title":"Personal Finance Tips","value":"personal-finance-tips","createdAt":"2023-05-18T06:42:08.497Z","updatedAt":"2023-05-18T07:00:17.013Z","publishedAt":"2023-05-18T06:42:10.739Z"}],"except_countries":[{"id":204,"name":"USA","code_a2":"US","ISO":840,"createdAt":"2022-04-19T09:42:00.282Z","updatedAt":"2025-03-13T03:00:01.005Z","services_info":"我们可以从 美国 转出 USD,并以当地货币到账到超过 70 个国家。","link_code":null,"default_sending_amount":null,"default_requested_amount":null,"default_sending_currency":null,"default_requested_currency":null,"bank_list":null,"accusative_country_name":null,"genitive_country_name":null}],"seo":{"id":140,"metaTitle":"Guide to Setting Up a Business Bank Account | Paysend Business","metaDescription":"Learn how to set up a business bank account with Paysend Business. Get tips on choosing the right banking provider, required documentation, and expect minimal fees, cheap transfers, and more!","ShareImage":null}},{"id":41,"title":"How to send money with the Post Office","date":"2020-07-24","video_url":null,"description":" The Post Office is a UK post institution that offers a number of essential facilities, including postal services, banking and money transfer.<\/p> In terms of sending money internationally, the Post Office offers both in-branch transfers, where you can go to one of their physical locations, or online via their platform provided by Western Union.<\/p> This blog will give you all the information you need about sending money via the Post Office, so you can choose whether it’s the right service for your individual needs. There are lots of money transfer options, so you should always do your research into which service has the best price and is the most convenient for you!<\/p> To make a transfer with the Post Office, you can choose to either go to one of their physical locations \(which may be an independent Post Office or as part of another store\), or use their online service on the Post Office website. You can choose either a cash pick up or delivery to a bank account. Make sure you’re aware of the fees, as they are different depending on which method you choose!<\/p> If you choose to go in-store to one of the Post Office’s many locations, you\'ll need to fill out a money transfer form, and you’ll be guided through the process by the cashier, or if you do it online you’ll be able to send money by yourself after you’ve registered.<\/p> The Post Office is great for some people but for others it may not be a very good option.<\/p> Here are some of the pros and cons of using the Post Office for your money transfers:<\/p> Pros:<\/p> Cons:<\/p> When sending money internationally, the Post Office might be the best option if you need the cashier’s help to guide you through the transfer process in-store. However, having to queue up and fill in a form might put you off!<\/p> Finding an online money transfer service which is simple, fast and has low fees might be a better option for you.<\/p> Paysend<\/span> <\/strong>is a fast and simple money transfer platform that lets users send money directly to bank accounts or straight to cards - all you need is the recipient’s name and card number! You can send money with Paysend via a smartphone app, or access it via any web browser on your laptop.<\/p> Money transfers to bank accounts with Paysend have zero transfer fees<\/span>, and to cards it costs just £1, €1.5 or $2 \(or equivalent amount\) to send money, so lower than the Post Office’s £1.90 cash pick-up fee.<\/p> Paysend uses excellent, competitive exchange rates, so if you send money with Paysend you might save yourself some money when compared to the Post Office!<\/p> On the Paysend homepage you can use our money transfer calculator to see whether your transfers with Paysend are cheaper than with the Post Office. Click here<\/u><\/span><\/a> to visit the homepage and get started.<\/p> <\/p> Download Paysend App<\/a><\/p>","description2":"","rank":null,"slug":"article-how-to-send-money-with-the-post-office","preview_text":" In terms of sending money internationally, the Post Office offers both in-branch transfers, where you can go to one of their physical locations, or online via their platform provided by Western Union.<\/p> This blog will give you all the information you need about sending money via the Post Office, so you can choose whether it’s the right service for your individual needs. There are lots of money transfer options, so you should always do your research into which service has the best price and is the most convenient for you!<\/p>","createdAt":"2023-05-19T12:03:46.190Z","updatedAt":"2023-11-10T09:30:54.782Z","publishedAt":"2023-05-19T13:09:17.324Z","locale":"en","img":{"id":2156,"name":"how-to-send-money-with-the-post-office-1200.png","alternativeText":"How to send money with the Post Office","caption":null,"width":1200,"height":630,"formats":{"large":{"ext":".png","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/large_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4.png","hash":"large_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4","mime":"image\/png","name":"large_how-to-send-money-with-the-post-office-1200.png","path":null,"size":34.24,"width":1000,"height":525},"small":{"ext":".png","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/small_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4.png","hash":"small_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4","mime":"image\/png","name":"small_how-to-send-money-with-the-post-office-1200.png","path":null,"size":13.31,"width":500,"height":263},"medium":{"ext":".png","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/medium_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4.png","hash":"medium_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4","mime":"image\/png","name":"medium_how-to-send-money-with-the-post-office-1200.png","path":null,"size":23.26,"width":750,"height":394},"thumbnail":{"ext":".png","url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/thumbnail_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4.png","hash":"thumbnail_how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4","mime":"image\/png","name":"thumbnail_how-to-send-money-with-the-post-office-1200.png","path":null,"size":5.64,"width":245,"height":129}},"hash":"how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4","ext":".png","mime":"image\/png","size":5.33,"url":"https:\/\/cloud.paysend.com\/strapi\/prod\/how_to_send_money_with_the_post_office_1200_6f47cf38f4.png","previewUrl":null,"provider":"strapi-provider-upload-aws-s3-plus-cdn","provider_metadata":null,"createdAt":"2023-05-19T12:01:41.806Z","updatedAt":"2023-05-19T12:03:44.670Z","folderPath":"\/19"},"tiles_section":[],"quote_section":[],"categories":[{"id":1,"title":"All articles","value":"all-articles","createdAt":"2023-05-16T10:53:37.864Z","updatedAt":"2023-05-16T10:53:39.907Z","publishedAt":"2023-05-16T10:53:39.902Z"},{"id":2,"title":"Money Transfer Guides","value":"money-transfer-guides","createdAt":"2023-05-18T06:41:07.061Z","updatedAt":"2023-05-18T06:46:56.605Z","publishedAt":"2023-05-18T06:41:40.106Z"}],"except_countries":[{"id":204,"name":"USA","code_a2":"US","ISO":840,"createdAt":"2022-04-19T09:42:00.282Z","updatedAt":"2025-03-13T03:00:01.005Z","services_info":"我们可以从 美国 转出 USD,并以当地货币到账到超过 70 个国家。","link_code":null,"default_sending_amount":null,"default_requested_amount":null,"default_sending_currency":null,"default_requested_currency":null,"bank_list":null,"accusative_country_name":null,"genitive_country_name":null}],"seo":{"id":36,"metaTitle":"Post Office Money Transfers","metaDescription":"Discover how to send money via Post Office: options, fees, and pros\/cons. Explore Paysend, an alternative platform with low fees and faster transfers!\"","ShareImage":null}},{"id":126,"title":"How to transfer money to Spain","date":"2020-07-22","video_url":null,"description":" There are currently over 2 million Spanish citizens living and working abroad, and there are vibrant communities that celebrate Spanish culture across Europe, North America and South America.<\/p> Many people who have moved away from Spain have travelled to follow professional and educational opportunities, and they often send money home to friends and family in Spain.<\/p> Spanish expats making money transfers need a <\/strong>fast, affordable<\/span> <\/strong>and easy-to-use platform<\/span> to make sure that their loved ones receive as much as possible, with the best exchange rates and in the quickest time!<\/p> There are two main options for sending money to Spain - online or offline transfers. If you want to send offline with the help of a cashier, you’ll need to head to a high-street bank, money transfer outlet location or post office. However, this can be more expensive and take a lot longer than an online method.<\/p> Going online means that you use a smartphone app or web browser platform <\/strong>to send your money to Spain. These can be much faster and more convenient for both you and your recipient, as you can do it yourself from home and cut out the middle men. This may save you a lot of time and money!<\/p> Paysend<\/span> <\/strong>is a fast, low-cost and convenient way to send money online to Spain. Using the clear and simple Paysend app, you can cheaply and quickly send money to loved ones in Spain at the touch of a button, all from the comfort of your own home!<\/p> If you want to discover what our 2 million customers think of Paysend, check out our 11,000 reviews on Trustpilot - 89% of people<\/u><\/a> have rated us as ‘excellent’!<\/p> With Paysend you can send money either to a bank account or directly to a credit or debit card in Spain using just a name and a card number, so you can choose how you want your recipient to receive the money! <\/p> If you want to send money to a bank account in Spain, you can do this with zero transfer fees<\/span> using Paysend.<\/p> Alternatively, if you want to send money directly to a card account, it costs only £1, $2<\/span> <\/strong>or <\/strong>€1.50<\/span> <\/strong>\(or equivalent\) to send money online to Spain with Paysend, no matter how much you want to transfer. Our low fees mean that your recipients will have even more money to spend! For example, if you want to send £100 or £1,000 from the UK to Spain, it will cost you £1 either way.<\/p> Paysend uses excellent, competitive exchange rates, and along with our low fees we provide some extremely cheap money transfers to Spain<\/span>. You can find out exactly how much your recipient in Spain will receive on our homepage<\/u><\/a>.<\/p> Money sent using Paysend will usually reach the recipient in Spain within a few minutes of being sent<\/span>, although it could take up to three days working days if your recipient’s bank isn’t quite as quick as us at processing payments!<\/p> Download the Paysend app now<\/span> to start sending money to Spain!<\/p> <\/p> Download<\/a><\/p> <\/p> Are you looking to instead send money from Spain to another country? <\/p> See the list of supported countries below when sending money transfers from Spain: <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Albania<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Algeria<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Andorra<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Argentina<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Armenia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Austria<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Azerbaijan<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Bahrain<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Bangladesh<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Belarus<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Belgium<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Belize<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Benin<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Bhutan<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Bolivia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Bosnia and Herzegovina<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Brazil<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Bulgaria<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Burkina Faso<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Burundi<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Cameroon<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Canada<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Chile<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to China<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Colombia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Congo<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Costa Rica<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Croatia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Cyprus<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Spain<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Denmark<\/u><\/a><\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Ecuador<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Egypt<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to El Salvador<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Estonia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Ethiopia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Finland<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to France<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Georgia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Germany<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Ghana<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Greece<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Guatemala<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Guyana<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Haiti<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Honduras<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Hong Kong<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Hungary<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Iceland<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to India<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Indonesia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Ireland<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Israel<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Japan<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Jordan<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Kazakhstan<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Kenya<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Kuwait<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Kyrgyzstan<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Lebanon<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Liechtenstein<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Lithuania<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Luxembourg<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Macedonia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Madagascar<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Malawi<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Malaysia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Malta<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Mauritania<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Mexico<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Moldova<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Montenegro<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Morocco<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Mozambique<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Nepal<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Netherlands<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to New Zealand<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Niger<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Nigeria<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Norway<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Pakistan<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Peru<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Philippines<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Portugal<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Qatar<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Romania<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Russia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Rwanda<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to San Marino<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Saudi Arabia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Senegal<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Serbia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Singapore<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Slovakia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to Slovenia<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to South Africa<\/u><\/a> <\/p> Transfer money from Spain to South Korea<\/u><\/a> <\/p>Sending money by Post Office<\/h2>
What are the pros and cons of sending money with the Post Office?<\/h2>
Is there another option to the Post Office?<\/h2>
How can I send money to Spain?<\/h2>
How much does it cost to send money to Spain?<\/h2>
How much will my recipient receive?<\/h2>
How long does it take to transfer money to Spain?<\/h2>