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4 reasons to use Paysend’s digital money transfer app
4 reasons to use Paysend’s digital money transfer app

From giving back to their communities to helping loved ones with financial support, read inspiring stories behind why people use Paysend’s digital money transfer app. Customer satisfaction is the motivation behind everything we do here at Paysend. It is our goal to continue reducing economic barriers by providing users the ability to access money transfer options to send funds to their friends and family abroad.

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Digital Money
New Paysend Features
5 simple steps to establish a US bank account
5 simple steps to establish a US bank account

When you open a bank account online or in-person, you will need to provide the bank, credit union, or financial institution with specific documentation which meets their eligibility requirements. 

Certain types of accounts, such as saving accounts, joint accounts, or certificates of deposits (CD) have a minimum age or other additional specifications.

New Paysend Features
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Personal Finance Tips
Digital Money
How to Send Money to Your Child While They Are in School Abroad
How to Send Money to Your Child While They Are in School Abroad

Following the rise in COVID-19 vaccinations, international borders are beginning to open. In fact, The New York Times recently published a piece on countries that are currently allowing US citizens inside their borders, and it includes more than 2/3s of the world’s nations. And as these travel restrictions are loosening, many students are preparing to study abroad again.

Living Abroad
Digital Money
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Personal Finance Tips
How to Send Money from the U.S. to Bangladesh
How to Send Money from the U.S. to Bangladesh

Bangladesh, known for its rich, fertile plains, thriving hub of business and agriculture and diverse workforce, is also home to 1.6 million people.

An estimated 200,000 Bangladeshi citizens are currently working and living in the United States, often needing to send money home to their families and communities. These Bangladesh citizens residing in the US may need a fast, secure and affordable method to send money back home.

So what options are available for them? How can people in the US send money to Bangladesh?

Digital Money
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