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Paysend haqidagi soʻnggi maqolalarni oʻqing

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Support loved ones affected by natural disasters through digital money transfers
Support loved ones affected by natural disasters through digital money transfers

Despite the summer months coming to a close in the Northern hemisphere, the heat and dryness of this season continues. With it comes the threat of natural disasters, such as tsunamis, hurricanes, fires and more, affecting countries around the world.

As we hear about record breaking heat waves in the US and Canada and tropical storms and hurricanes impacting countries along the coast, you may want to prepare in case you or your loved ones are impacted by a natural disaster.

Continue reading for tips on how to stay safe and help loved ones that may be affected this season.

Digital Money
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Money Transfer Guides
4 Common Money Transfer Misconceptions + The Best Way to Send Money Internationally
4 Common Money Transfer Misconceptions + The Best Way to Send Money Internationally

When you decide to transfer money to friends, family or loved ones abroad, there are generally a few aspects that you first need to consider.

Whether you send money internationally on a regular basis or are just getting started, there are some common misconceptions about international money transfers that Paysend wants to help you clear up.

Digital Money
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Personal Finance Tips
How to send money from the US to India
How to send money from the US to India

With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India is a thriving hub with a diverse workforce helping to power the global economy.

There are about 2.7 million Indian immigrants currently living in the US, making up 1.2% of the country’s population. Many of these expats are still an important resource for their families living in India as they often send money home so that their loved ones can buy food, pay for the medical care they need and more.

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Personal Finance Tips
How to send money to Mexico
How to send money to Mexico

The Mexican diaspora is one of the largest in the world. In the United States alone there are nearly 37 million Mexican Americans, and 13.5% of the US population speak Spanish at home!

With $30bn sent from the USA alone to Mexico per year - making this the largest money transfer corridor in the world - Mexicans living abroad need fast, simple and reliable money transfer services so that their recipients can receive the money as conveniently as possible.

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Personal Finance Tips